First Harvest!

And before you know it, the Harvest season is upon us! For those that celebrate it, this is Lammas or Lammastide, the festival of the cutting of the first grain. Traditionally this would be made into the first loaf of bread of the season and shared with all the family or farm workers. Some of the bread would be given back to the fields in thanksgiving and for hopes of a bountiful harvest to come. Similarly, the festival of Lughnasadh is celebrated by modern pagans at this time. It commemorates both the harvest and the god Lugh, who inaugurated the festival in honour of his foster-mother, Tailtiu. She was the Irish version of the goddess Gaia and a beautiful statue of her can be found on the website - ideal for celebrations at this time! So, I wish you all a bounteous harvest of all the things you have planted this year and may the season treat you well.